Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Case of Self Pity

Sigh. I'm so tired. Didn't sleep very well last night due to 5 cups of coffee. Word of advice- don't drink coffee to stay up to work on a paper if you plane on stopping early to go to bed. hahaha Don't ask why I did that.....I don't even know the answer. So I'm slightly frustrated with the fact that the campus shut off our water. We all know the ramifications of that. Makes me feel dirty just thinking but no shower tonight. Yuck. Anyway. Well I started to write so that I could rant and rave about how unfair life is but now I feel better. ;) So never mind! hahah <3


Kelly said...

you are TOO funny!! i love the coffee/to bed early story. brings back memories. love you!

Anonymous said...

How funny! I bet you are glad those days are FAR behind you;)