Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Aye yi yi!!!

So school has been going on for the past 4 months and everything is finally catching up with me. I've moved on from past relationships and started new ones. Sigh.....its amazing...But on the flip side...stress is starting to set in...finals, exams, quizes, papers, papers.....oh did I mention papers!!! Ugh. Then trying to decide on a major, finding a church, figuring out a class schedule for next semester, dealing with money, AND having a social life....not exactly the easiest thing in the world. Unfortunately I have decided that France will have to wait another year. It makes me sad but I don't want to be stressed over my dreams. Dreams are supposed to be fun not crazy, annoying, and stressful. So I'll wait till next year...hopefully everything will fall into place better. Sigh. So close to that one thing I want most in life...only to have to decide to sacrifice it. Irritating to say the least. I can't wait for Christmas but at the same time I'm going to miss the people I've met here. Sniff. As the darling Scarlett O'Hara once said..."I'll think about that tomorrow." Yep that's about the best thing I can do for somethings. Just don't think about it. I know I know! Denial never helped anyone...well it didn't exactly hurt them either. oy vey....I need to read some literature for english. So I will away....Till next time....

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