Sunday, October 19, 2008

No more tears, no more pain and no more fears

I suggest you listen to Jeremy Camp's There Will Be A Day. It is to amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kathleen! You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, but my name is Lauren and I found your blog while I was searching for “Set-Apart Femininity” on google, and this is actually in response to the posts about that book. =)

I read that book a few weeks ago, being an avid reader of Leslie Ludy’s books. I have to say that I loved it, but I also totally understand why you feel slightly scared by its message. What Leslie suggests is so out of the cultural norm that it not only sounds radical, but scary! I had the same reaction when I first heard her message a few months ago. Since then, I’ve begun to give up TV, movies, the pursuit of guys and even novels (especially romance novels.) Sounds terrible, right? It sounds like, after getting rid of those things, life would be bland and colorless, without any fun or romance.

Kathleen, since then God has filled every void to overflowing with His love, joy, peace and even a hunger to be more set-apart for Him! I know that it seems impossible, and when you first begin it will still seem impossible. Press on! God WILL come through for you in more ways than you could imagine…that I’m positive of.

I know that you understand that you can’t have one foot in the world and one out of it, and I also know you know what you should do. I understand your fear to let God take complete control of your life and your heart, but LET HIM. Just try it. If you press on for a few weeks at least, God will show you that His way is so much better than the way of the world.

Maybe you don’t want to, but I’ve actually began to dislike movies, TV and yes, even romance novels, which I used to ADORE. I didn’t want to stop liking them either! All that I can say is that Jesus is waiting with open arms, and He’s real, unlike the muscular, handsome but totally FAKE people on TV and in books. If you give them up and run into the open arms of your true Love, He will actually fulfill your dreams, rather than you longing for the things in those fictional books and movies and never getting them. I know that you feel an emptiness when you see movies or read those books, but you won’t anymore! I know that because I’ve been through the exact same thing.

I encourage you with a full heart to pursue God alone, Kathleen. You will be in my prayers and in my heart…He is truly faithful!

I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4)

“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” ( Psalm 37:4)