Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rear view mirrors

You know I was talking to a friend today about the past and wishing some things weren't the way they had know the whole "re writing history" business? Well, I remembered something my daddy told me once- Your life is like a car. Your perception of your past occurs through your rear view mirror. If you stare too long through it you'll run off the road and get hurt. Yet, if you never look at it you risk not realizing the things that are coming up behind you that can hurt you. The key is to glance back every once and a find a balance between staring and never looking. 
The idea is much easier said than done. Yet, it's true. If you spend too much looking behind you there is a greater risk of crashing. It's funny because my real problem right now isn't so much my past as much as my future. I don't like not knowing...not when my future costs $100,000. I wish I could just KNOW what I'm supposed to do when I graduate. I don't need to know who I'm going to marry or how many children or even where....I just would like to know what I'm supposed to do. So I don't mess it all up. I know I know. Silly. I'll figure it out some how, some day. It would just nice for it to be sooner than later. :) hmmm...

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