Sunday, January 3, 2010

"My Utmost for His Highest"...

Today was the first day of Word First. I already have so much to think, pray and confess over. There are so many little sayings that have been floating through my head the past couple of weeks and it's as if God is trying to say something-
"God is rarely early but NEVER late."
"Perhaps it's not as difficult as I'm making it."
"If you knew your future it would paralyze your days."
"All I have seen has taught me to trust God in what I haven't seen."
"God doesn't change His mind, we change ours."

I don't really know what to say. I'm tired of writing about all my "good intentions" and then going back later to discover that that's all they were- good intentions. I'm tired of being the self proclaimed "idea girl." I want to DO something with my life. So no more speculating. I'm off to live. Right here. Right now.

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