Sunday, June 7, 2009

Every mile a memory

So today was our first day of classes. It's been pretty hectic but fun. :) I have first period off which is nice for quiet time and just relaxing a little before the craziness of the day. After that I go to the office and work for the next 3 classes. I really enjoy it. I'm really getting to expand my resume and develop my understanding of Webpages. Just to name a few. ;) I reviving my receptionist skills. I'm super happy about that. All this texting has destroyed them. lol The girls here are so sweet and honestly many of them have stolen my heart. It's great seeing them in an enviroment that allows them to be themselves. No impressing boys or feeling as if they have to prove something to their parents. Several times I just have to stop and watch my girls in my cabin as they interact. They say some of the sweetest things to each and are so openly accepting. It just stops me in my tracks. How many adults have forgotten how to let other people in? I know I do. Well, after my office period I have lunch and then siesta. :) I love siesta. hahaha Then I teach choir, sewing, arts & crafts and Bible Study. Not all in one day mind you. Two on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the other two on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I think I already have to get my choir girls ready for a performance next Sunday. I'm a little worried but if I can find an easy song we should be able to pull it off. Maybe Amazing Grace if there isn't a special request. :) That's always a pretty/easy one. Sigh. I'm listening to some old country (well, old as in Mud On The Tire, Tonight I Wanna Cry, and etc.) Those songs always take me back to High School before the drama. lol Well, I'm off to listen to my girls cheer with their tribes.

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