Monday, September 24, 2007

Just a thought....

So today I went to history- US up to the Civil War...The class is crazy cool. Yea, most of ya'll hate history and that's great but I don't. I LOVE IT! teacher was talking about the anti-federalists and federalists. She was talking about how our government is a compromise of both views...balance! I love it. I mean seriously...when you think about it....God totally orchestrated this whole situation. There couldn't have been that many geniuses in that time period. The whole idea that the US could have flopped is such a real one but it didn't! When you think about it....if you ever want to see a miracle....look at the United States. Yep, that's miracle enough when you realize the probablity of failure. I mean Shay's rebellion could have totally disentergrated the whole situation didn't. The British could have won...but they didn't. The country could have collapsed during the Great Depression...but it didn't. So many countries could have destroyed us by now with nukes....but they haven't. People say that the US wasn't built for religious beliefs and things...well this is what I think. Yeah, the US might have been radical in demolishing the state church but without God we would be nothing. No one can tell me otherwise. So.....maybe we should remember that....The US has a part in a greater play than any of us can realize....God wouldn't have protected us for so long if we didn't. Maybe we should stop looking to our own heads to figure out what to do but look to the One who saved our rears and ask Him what HE wants from us....just a thought....

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