Friday, September 28, 2007


Why do things have to get so complicated? Sometimes I wish I was still the little girl running up and down the lane playing dress up. The simpleness of childhood is sometimes so much better than the complexities of growing up. I wish I could just be normal. Yet, as everyone who is reading this is asking....What is normal? I don't know...I just wish I could be it. I miss people. Hehe...kind of sounds like I'm in solitary confinement or something. Ok..I miss certain people. This isn't making any sense. Sorry to everyone who reads this and gets confused. Well, I need to go to class and then go to choir and then drive home and then go to homecoming and then.....sleep..aaahh precious sleep. I'm not feeling deep right now sooo...I'll stop writing.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Just read a quote from Iman, the supermodel. "The moment you settle for less is the moment you'll start receiving less." Apply that as you will.

Love your musings and ramblings. Gonna add you to my blog list :)
Love you!