Thursday, December 27, 2007

Confusion, mayhem and ill

So I've decided on my New my new life.....resolution....three days in advance. To many this is going to sound weird and strange and to others...well everyone this is going to sound psycho...but that's just the way this cookie is crumbling. My new life resolution is to get rid of my romance books....ALL of them....become more involved in this school and church...and rededicate my life to God. This past year I have gotten so far off track that I don't know what the truth is...and that is the worst realization in the world...especially for someone who values the truth. Ugh. I am just trying to trust God that I am a child of the king and just like any dad would do He will take care of me. That He will protect me and guide me back to the truth. That's a most wonderful thought to someone like me....someone who has been deceived and bound by their beliefs for the past....hmph...for all of my young/ old life....that's the thing I keep telling myself..."You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." That is God's promise to people like me. Hallelujah! That is what I'm staking my life on from now on. That God's truth will set me free. The version of Amazing Grace that Christ Tomlin sings...."my chains are gone...I've been set God my Savior has ransomed me....and like a flood His mercy rain...unending love....amazing Grace...." I am no longer bound by the lies of the devil. I have been set free! I am claiming that freedom! Amen and amen. This is the start of a new life....a better one....and I'm claiming that the new me will be better this year than ever before! Hugs and kisses to all! God bless! I will talk later...

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