Monday, March 3, 2008


So yesterday I went to church (yay me! haha) and the church has a guest speaker. He talked about the tests that God brings us through, relating the idea to the life of Joseph. It was say the least. My mind says that this is why these things have been happening in my life but at the same time my heart refuses to believe it. The sermon was just presented too....simply. It didn't discuss the idea of satan fighting for us deeply enough. How do we judge if it is temptation or tests? How do we know if the things we are going through are of God.....and he is just "trying us by fire"? Or that its satan.....trying to bring us down.....trying to destroy us? No one has tried to kill me. No one has accused me of adultry. No one has thrown me in jail. But people have broken my heart. People have disregarded my feelings. People have proven my thoughts of myself. So is God testing me? Or is satan just trying to destroy me? I don't know. I honestly don't want to think about it. I just want to wake up in the mornings and have good days. I don't want to have to struggle through things. I've failed before and I'll probably fail again. I just wonder if maybe I can fix my emotional aspect then I can get through things like this better. I won't fail again. I don't know. Oh well. That's the way things are supposed to be I guess. I'm sleepy. :)

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