Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So I've been thinking about why I still feel certain ways. I've prayed that God would take it away so that I could move on in my life and find happiness but I've remained chained to the past. I realized today that God's not going to miraculously change my feelings. They will be there for a while. What I can do is stop dwelling on them. Stop pulling the bell cord. I hate the fact that I've been forced to stop but if I don't stop myself I'm just going to wind up getting hurt. Is my heart more important than that other person's? I guess it is... The feelings will never go away. They just stop being so apparent and loud in your heart. If you ignore them enough one day they will stop knocking on the door to your heart. If you could look into your heart at that time you will find them sitting in a dark, dusty, forgotten corner. They can always decide to suprise you with a knock now and then but they won't do it forever. Why does time rule everything!? Our lives are ruled by the clock! isn't fair. Yea, yea...who says life isn't fair? I did! So there.

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