Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I'm not as smart as I think I am and sometimes I can be a real egotistical, judgemental, prideful jerk. To not know how to prove what I believe is the stupidist thing ever. And then to turn around and judge someone else's beliefs before I even hear them out. Arrogant to the max. That's what happened. I was prejudice. I judged before I even understood. Sigh. The worst mistake someone can make when discussing deep issues that matter to people. I assumed before I knew. It was wrong of me. Well this is definately one more thing I need to work on this upcoming year and with God's help I will succeed. So I'm sorry world for judging you before I hear what you have to say....of not understanding before I make myself understood. And for keeping you up super late...when we are both tired. It is NOT going to happen again. Thank you for understanding... :S

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